Spatial Data Design Services (GIS & CAD)

Geographic Information System (GIS)
GIS Data Collection
R&K helps organizations efficiently collect accurate GIS data:
- Field data collection and workflow management
- Topographical site collection for everything above ground outdoors
- Photos related to features
- Geo-tagged photos
- End-to-end support from the field to the back office
- Configuration for ArcGIS Field Maps
Indoor GIS
R&K's professional staff can assist organizations with:
- Indoor data collection including floor plans
- Data conversion into client-specified GIS data models
- CAD to GIS floor plan conversion
- Indoor GIS implementation
- 3D Laser Scanning
GIS Data Collection
R&K helps organizations efficiently collect accurate GIS data:
- Field data collection and workflow management
- Topographical site collection for everything above ground outdoors
- Photos related to features
- Geo-tagged photos
- End-to-end support from the field to the back office
- Configuration for ArcGIS Field Maps
GIS Data Mapping & Modeling
R&K's professional staff can assist organizations with:
- Site map creation
- Indoor Network creation
- Processes for sustaining your organization's data
- Master planning and installation design guide maps
- Support for data models and workflows
- Alignment of data with SDSFIE standards for DoD clients
GIS Application Development, Infrastructure & Development
R&K's GIS and Information Technology professionals provide
- 2D and 3D web application development using the latest Esri ArcGIS
- API for Javascript
- ArcGIS Online Support
- ArcGIS Enterprise technical expertise in areas such as:
- FedRAMP and Department of Defense (DoD) environments
- DISA STIG compliance
- AWS and AWS GovCloud
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Capture and Collection Services for Building Information Modeling (BIM)
R&K captures and collects accurate data across your organization's footprint. R&K utilizes multiple 3D mapping technologies for indoor and outdoor information data collection.
3D LIDAR Survey
R&K implements 3D LIDAR survey methods for indoor and outdoor data collection.

Bluetooth-enabled Laser Distance Meters
R&K surveyors capture measurements quickly, directly and digitally in real time, creating instant CAD drawings on-site. R&K uses Mobile CAD in combination with modern Bluetooth-enabled Laser Distance Meters, to provide a paperless, quick and accurate collection process. R&K can capture additional attribute information such as Room Numbers, Room Description, Square Footage, Space Classification Type, Room Occupancy, and other information directly in the CAD files.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) Services
Modeling within Revit from field capture or validation of existing plans.

2D and 3D Floor Plan Services
R&K provides 2D and 3D floor plans with the level of detail required by clients.
R&K adapts its services to produce Object-Based and Line-Based CAD formats that can include any number of attributes (ceiling types, floor types, room numbers, etc.) and features (walls, windows, doors, plumbing fixtures, casework, etc.)
Site Mapping Services
R&K provides accurate CAD site mapping services including capture of topographical features like sidewalks, roads, parking lots, parcels, site lighting, pavement markings and above-ground utilities. CAD data sets can be georeferenced to fulfill client requirements.

CAD Conversion Services Tailored to Meet Your Needs
R&K conversion services include:
3D Point Cloud data to CAD/Revit
2D line-based CAD to 3D object-based CAD
CAD to GIS or GIS to CADCAD floor plans to Arc
GIS Indoors Information Model
CAD Consulting Services
R&K can help to improve the quality of your CAD and related processes. R&K applies its expertise to provide training in best practices, standards and use of various CAD platforms. From working in federal, state, higher education and commercial markets, R&K possesses expertise in numerous industry standards. As a result, R&K can adopt your standards or recommend standards to meet your needs as illustrated below:
- United States National CAD Standard
- Building Owners and Managers Association International (BOMA) Space Measurements
- Space Classifications
- Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate (OSCRE)
- The Post-secondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual (FICM)

Start improving your portfolio management with R&K
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