Choose a condition assessment approach that best meets your organization's needs to produce results in consistent, understandable and manageable terms.

Readily access condition of systems and components.
Accurately quantify deferred maintenance and capital renewal backlog costs using proven methodologies.
Automatically organize and roll up costs using ASTM UNIFORMAT II elemental classifications.
Quickly compare facilities.
Easily prioritize capital investments using condition indices.
Ability to leverage RSMeans® cost data

In Action

View Configurable Dashboards
Work with Tailored Assessments

Access Multi-Level Selection
Searchable Results

Compare Facilities
Forecast Portfolio Costs

Want to see more?

The GoRPM® Enterprise Software helps organizations collect, analyze, and manage data on real and personal property, supporting data-driven decisions.

DISA granted DoD provisional authorization for GoRPM SaaS with managed services at data impact level 4.